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My Inspiration

What inspired me to select the topic of film is that I have always been interested in movies ever since I was a little kid. I grew up watching multiple genres of film from the classics such as Jurassic Park and Jumanji to silly comedies like Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Happy Gilmore. Each film shaping my humor and personality into the person I am today. Most young kids prefer to spend their day playing computer games or playing sports but I loved movies. Spending my days going over my friends' houses and make little movies and reenactments of these films using my IPad was what made me happy. I believe I have a very good eye for film, which I get from my grandfather. My grandfather, Iver Lornell, was a photographer in WWII. I believe his creativity was a big influence on my interests in the art of film. Seeing his photos and the process of what he took into making them always interested me and that allowed me to have an insight on how directors possibly create their productions. Because of these influences I'm extremely excited to start my research and my year long innovation and create my own short film and curriculum. 

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